Do you wonder why you have so man
clothes, but nothing to wear?

Solve this mystery in this LIVE online workshop
with sustainable fashion expert Kate Luckins.

Learn how to upgrade your wardrobe without costing the Earth at 8pm AEDT Tuesday 23rd February!
(Can't make this date? Register to get the replay)

Enter your details to save your spot!


If your wardrobe is overwhelming, this may sound familiar...

- You've collected so many clothes that your wardrobe is overstuffed and hard to navigate. So you avoid it and throw on what's at the top of your draw.

- You own loads of clothes but can't pull a decent outfit together when you suffer from daily decision fatigue.

- You're in a style rut and keep buying those skinny jeans and striped tees on repeat.

- You're starting to question what the real cost of those bargain buys really is for the people that make them and the planet

If you are relating to any or many of of these, this wardrobe workshop is the perfect fit for you!

Join this free wardrobe workshop and learn

how to upgrade your wardrobe without costing the Earth!


Here's what you'll get—

A fresh perspective on what belongs in your wardrobe and how your clothes should make you feel ace.

A crash course in the crazy rationalisations we all make to hold onto clothing that doesn’t serve us, or worse—plagues us with guilt.

A simple, yet mind-blowing technique to check how your wardrobe and lifestyle align (or don’t). And you will leave feeling liberated!

There’s a million ‘declutter your wardrobe’ things you can google, but none of them actually gets to the heart of the matter like this does.

This workshop will give you the insight and advice you need to inspire action if you've been meaning to edit your wardrobe for a while now!

If you can't attend live, you can register for access to the replay to watch when it suits you.

About your host Kate Luckins...

When I was a guilt-laden mother of two with a PhD in sustainable living, I used to feel so conflicted. On one hand I loved my fancy frocks, but on the other—I was worried about how the fashion industry forks our planet and compromises my son's future.

So I decided to ditch my inner conflict, align my sustainablity values with my crazy life and become antidote to guilt-inducing environmentalism.

I created Sustainable Lifestyle so we can all feel super ace as we learn how to live better with less. And I've helped hundreds of women edit their overwhelming wardrobes, define their sustainable style and shop sustainable fashion with ease.

I started working in sustainable fashion fifteen years ago, back when most people thought it was an oxymoron! While doing my fashion masters, I kick-started a global swapping movement by founding The Clothing Exchange. I took my swap story all the way to the UN headquarters in Nairobi and have featured locally everywhere from The Financial Review to Mamamia.

"I have picked up tools that I will use forever more
to inform my wardrobe choices." —Lisa Brunswick

Are you ready to solve the mystery of why you have

so many clothes and nothing to wear?